Friday, October 29, 2010

Blythe, Ca

My second revival in October was in Blythe, Ca. Blythe is a town of about 14,000 people on I-10 just across the Colorado River. The church was pioneered in the late 70s and is now Pastored by Steve Brazell. Steve, his wife Becky and their daughter Dannae have been laboring there for the last 2 or so years. Steve and Becky are best known for their faithful labors in Glendale, Az. where they pastored for 20 years. After a brief time in their home church in Prescott, they returned to the harvest field to pioneer in North Tucson and are now laboring in Blythe.
The Revival actually began Saturday night with their "180" music scene. Steve's son Nathan brought a group from Glendale, Az. and daughter Dannae ministered with her group from Blythe. These, along with an invasion team from Star Sullivans' church in Tucson (Grant and Alvernon) saw a great kickoff for our Revival week. Their music scene has seen great fruit recently with many young people coming in. God gave us a wonderful meeting with visitors and people getting saved almost every service. Each night the attendance increased and God moved in many areas with people saved, delivered and healed. The last night we saw 3 young men pray for salvation. Pray for this church in Blythe as a new wave of people are coming in and need to be established in the things of God.
As a local note for the saints in Tucson, Jose and Maria Urbina pastored this church from 1982-1985.
  This revival took place October 17-21.