Friday, October 29, 2010

Tucson-22nd St.

I had the priviledge of preaching Sunday Services for Gordon Porter last Sunday, the 24th. Gordon and his wife Mary, along with 2 of their daughters have been laboring at the 22nd St. Potter's House for the last 6 years. They are currently experiencing a time of growth. I haven't preached in this church for a while and it was a real encouragement to see the many new faces and a renewed joy in the faithful saints who have labored there for many years. This church has undergone extensive remodeling and rallied themselves for a fresh vision and labor in the harvest field. They are now experiencing the fruit of their labors. This weekend they are putting on a "Haunted House" for any who would like to attend. The theme is "Funeral For A Lost Soul", the times are 7-11 P.M. Friday And Saturday October 29,30. Admission is Free. Pray for The Porters as they labor with us for the Tucson harvest field.