Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cape Cod Revival

I'm updating the last couple of weeks and also making my first entry into my blog, so thats my disclaimer.
   I had the priviledge of preaching in Cape Cod for Pastor Paul Campo. Paul and his wife Linda have been there for nearly 25 years and have had tremendous impact and favor in that city. Before the revival, the church had their annual Morality Parade. They brought in the neighboring churches and had a parade that was problably a quarter-mile long. It was a perfect day weather wise and we were able to testify to many on the streets with the good news of Jesus. They followed with a presentation at the local band shell with a theme honoring veterans and their sacrifice for our country. Many wept as they reenacted scenarios and told of real stories of veterans and their sacrifice for our nation. We followed Sunday through Wednesday with revival services, seeing many saved, delivered and healed. This meeting took place Aug. 13-18