Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Marion, Illinois

  April 24-28 I travelled to Marion, Il. The church has been pastored by Tony Thomley for the last 9 years. Tony and his wife Dion were saved under Pastor Joe Campbell in the early years of this church and were risen up as disciples to eventually Pastor the church they were saved in. One thing that stands out in the Marion church is the long-term dedication of the saints. I was saved in 1980 and there are people in this church that were saved at the same time as me. They still are involved in World Evangelism by sending their pastor to other nations 2-3 times a year to conduct revivals and healing crusades. Not only that, but while I was there they were announcing an Invasion Team to the neighboring city of Sparta, Il. for an outreach that was supporting a revival they were having. This church is not a large church but you can still feel the pulse of revival and the vision to reach the lost pumping through its veins. God gave us a great revival with a number of people saved and some new faces that God ministered to. I am so privileged to do what I do as an Evangelist as I am able to develop rich friendships with other Pastors as we labor together in the gospel.
  Pray for the Thomley's as they labor there in Marion. One of the prayers I pray for long term pastors and churches I preach in is " God, bring a harvest of their prayers, labors, seeds planted, giving and sacrifices made in this city"