Friday, May 27, 2011

Lancaster, Ca.

 I just returned from Lancaster, Ca to minister a revival for Pastor Fred Gonzales, Jr. Fred and his wife Michelle and 7 (that's right 7) children have labored here for a little more than 2 years and are currently seeing an explosion of revival that began about a month ago. People began pouring in from about Easter and God is doing a powerful work. They had one service recently where they had about 11 people filled with the Holy Ghost on regular Sunday morning service. In our revival on Tuesday night we saw 6 people pray for the Holy Ghost and all 6 were filled. Praise God! The only way I can describe the revival God gave us was it rerminded me of the early days of Tucson, where there was such a hunger and an expectancy for God to move with a wonderful presence of God and annointing in the services. I told Pastor Fred that Wednesday morning I woke up with a Holy Ghost hangover (that's a good thing).
 What was noticeable about this church was the mix of people. Black, White, Mexican and even a Norwegian in the mix. People who were older established family people and people coming out of prison and all sorts of addictions. Some were delivered and some were in the process of being delivered. But all with an overwhelming confirmation of conversion and the grace of God that was evident in their lives. One young man named James told his boss and friend that he got saved and they both began to weep even though they weren't even saved! They knew what happened to him was genuine. We saw many saved, healed and set free through the week, but I left this revival overwhelmed by what God is doing there. At the end of a revival people are often tired and need a break (including the evangelist). But at the end of this revival, people were asking Pastor Fred, " there's no more church until Sunday?"
 Lancaster is one of the destinations of the summer invasion team this year. If you have the opportunity to go, I would greatly encourage you to do so, God will use you and you can see first hand what God is doing.